- 775-355-1551
- cindy@railcitygarden.net
- 1720 Brierley Way, Sparks, NV 89434
- Monday - Sunday: 9am - 5pm
35 events found.
Calendar of Events
M Mon
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Apply pre-emergent to prevent weeds
Ground Squirrels begin to emerge from winter - set out bait station or squirrelinator.
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Winter Pruning Class
Learn what you can prune during the winter and how to properly prune it! Learn all the ins and outs of pruning your trees and shrubs- the best time and what can be pruned during the winter, how to properly prune and what tools to use. Date and time: Sat, March 5, 2022 11:00 AM […]
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Square Foot Gardening Class
Square foot gardening is a simple method of creating small, orderly, and productive kitchen vegetable gardens. Square foot gardening is a simple method of creating small, orderly, and highly productive kitchen gardens. It was invented by backyard gardener, retired engineer, and efficiency expert Mel Bartholomew as a better way to grow a vegetable garden, and […]
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Straw Bale Gardening Class
Learn how to garden using straw bales instead of traditional gardening methods! Fun and easy for the whole family. Straw Bale Gardening is simply a different type of container gardening. The main difference is that the container is the straw bale itself and is held together with two or three strings. Once the straw inside […]
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Getting Started on Veggies Class
Wanna grow veggies from seed? Come learn how! Learn all the tips and tricks for starting veggies from seed to have all the best homegrown veggies for your table. Learn about transplanting, pest management and feeding. Date and time: Sat, March 26, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT Register here
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Turn on irrigation, but protect from freezing with a polar blanket
Set season adjust to 50% on irrigation clock.