2022-08-02 Cut back lavender after flowering to promote second bloom Cut back lavender after flowering to promote second bloom August 2, 2022 Cut back lavender after flowering to promote second bloom
2022-08-04 Mulch plants to keep soil cooler and conserve water Mulch plants to keep soil cooler and conserve water August 4, 2022 Mulch plants to keep soil cooler and conserve water
2022-08-09 Protect locust trees from locust borers Protect locust trees from locust borers August 9, 2022 Protect locust trees from locust borers
2022-08-10 Plant cool season vegetables Plant cool season vegetables August 10, 2022 Plant cool season vegetables
2022-08-11 Feed container plants and summer annuals Feed container plants and summer annuals August 11, 2022 Feed container plants and summer annuals
2022-08-16 Control salt/mineral build up in indoor plants: hose off the leaves and flush with ample water. Do it in the shade. Control salt/mineral build up in indoor plants: hose off the leaves and flush with ample water. Do it in the shade. August 16, 2022 Control salt/mineral build up in indoor plants: hose off the leaves and flush with ample water. Do it in the shade.
2022-09-01 Start feeding cool weather food to fish Start feeding cool weather food to fish September 1, 2022 Start feeding cool weather food to fish
2022-09-02 Apply organic fertilizer to lawns Apply organic fertilizer to lawns September 2, 2022 Apply organic fertilizer to lawns
All day Control salt/mineral build up in indoor plants: hose off the leaves and flush with ample water. Do it in the shade.