2023-09-05 Sow seeds for native and pollinator gardens Sow seeds for native and pollinator gardens September 5, 2023 Sow seeds for native and pollinator gardens
2023-09-06 Fertilize fruit trees after harvest and top dress with compost Fertilize fruit trees after harvest and top dress with compost September 6, 2023 Fertilize fruit trees after harvest and top dress with compost
2023-09-08 Fall bulbs available for spring blooms Fall bulbs available for spring blooms September 8, 2023 Fall bulbs available for spring blooms
2023-09-09 Best time of the year to plant perennials, trees and shrubs Best time of the year to plant perennials, trees and shrubs September 9, 2023 Best time of the year to plant perennials, trees and shrubs Time to overseed lawn if necessary.
2023-09-10 Roses – prune out dead and long canes – wait until spring to do major pruning Roses – prune out dead and long canes – wait until spring to do major pruning September 10, 2023 Roses – prune out dead and long canes – wait until spring to do major pruning
2023-09-12 Garlic for planting available Garlic for planting available September 12, 2023 Garlic for planting available
2023-09-13 Dig, divide and replant overgrown perennials as they finish blooming Dig, divide and replant overgrown perennials as they finish blooming September 13, 2023 Dig, divide and replant overgrown perennials as they finish blooming
2023-09-14 Plant cover crops to boost soil next year Plant cover crops to boost soil next year September 14, 2023 Plant cover crops to boost soil next year
2023-09-16 Harvest potatoes Harvest potatoes September 16, 2023 Harvest potatoes Time to plant cover crops, buckwheat, vetch, rye.
2023-09-18 Buy bulbs to pre-chill for forced bloom in November Buy bulbs to pre-chill for forced bloom in November September 18, 2023 Buy bulbs to pre-chill for forced bloom in November
2023-09-22 Swap hummingbird feeders for wild bird feeders Swap hummingbird feeders for wild bird feeders September 22, 2023 Swap hummingbird feeders for wild bird feeders
2023-09-28 Control Box Elder and Elm Beetles as they congregate Control Box Elder and Elm Beetles as they congregate September 28, 2023 Control Box Elder and Elm Beetles as they congregate